As schools close globally due to corona virus, children will be stuck at home for a few weeks and in some countries as summer vacation is around the corner, this can extend to over a month!
While some schools may be able to provide resources and timetable for the children when they are at home, parents are wondering how to keep the children busy during this period, especially as many of the parents will have to work from home.
While there are lots of freely available resources on the internet, it can be a challenge to find the appropriate ones that will be suitable for your child, and how would you keep them engaged even if they have the resources available.
Here are few tips that can help you to put things under control and make your mornings stress free.
As a parent, it is very important to keep children updated on what is happening in the outside world as they get to experience some of the challenges around them. Also, make use of this time if you are working from home to give that extra bit of time that you never had due to commute to a work place before.
1. Talk to children about the reason for school closure and importance to be at home.
2. Use simple language instead of scientific jargons as children only pick up the words but don’t understand its cause and effect.
3. Have a question-answer session in the family room to tell them that they will work and study from home just like a regular workday.
4. Give them a separate table and chair if possible, to create a sense of school environment.
It is imperative that children stick to a time table even if they are studying from home, so that they have a structured day and utilize the time. While it is not possible to keep them as engaged as in a school classroom, providing a study and play timetable will ensure progress monitoring. Tips for creating a timetable:
Make a timetable with snack break and lunch break hours.
Allot lessons with exercises and worksheets as well as cognitive games to avoid boredom
Have a screen time slot if needed, but stick to the time and not let it over run.
Have an assessment review after lunch break
Have an activity lined up during the late afternoon or evening
There are hundreds of freely available resources on the internet and sometimes it can be a challenge for a parent to know which ones will be appropriate for the particular need of the child. In order to make a selection, think of the following:
Select age appropriate resources – most resources will mention the relevant age range.
Choose the resource based on the curriculum followed by the child in the school
Arrange for online tutorials / skype sessions if possible
Choose resources which are high and low in intensity of challenge to enable balanced learning.
Evening activities
Keep the evenings free if possible, and have family and fun time with the children. This is an opportunity to spend the extra time that some of the busy parents have not necessarily able to spend due to commute time. Below are a few resources you can access dependent on your suitability of the child.
1. www.family.gonoodle.com to make things like time capsules, shadow puppets, time capsules
2. www.storylineonline.net to watch famous actors read kid’s book out loud.
3. www.quandarygame.org to play sci-fi game to develop ethical decision- making skills
4. www.sciencebuddies.org to find science projects based on your child’s age and interest
5. www.commonsensemedia.org to inspire outdoor play
The above websites are only a few references, and Linguaphile Skills Hub does not have any commercial relationship with any of them.
Want to learn more on how we can help, please feel free to contact us on info@linguaphile.co.in