The year 2020 will be defined by the coronavirus.
And all of our lives have been thrown for a loop. Life has been easy lately especially for our children. All of a sudden, there are no school schedules. There’s no classroom, just online learning modules and assignments. In short, there is no “typical” anymore. Which I suppose means there is no atypical either.
In this interesting topsy-turvy new world where we are all juggling to settle down as teachers with e-schooling, what I found most interesting and eye-opening is that the learners who are unique has learnt best in this mode.
When I first started my online lesson with a not so typical child both his parent as well me was apprehensive about how he will adopt to this teaching mode. We thought of giving it a try.
Surprisingly, my little pre-primary learner with developmental delay and difficulty in vision was the first to adapt to Skype teaching session! Every day he patiently sits and waits for my call at the scheduled class time. I must say each day I too wait eagerly to take his session. And guess what, we end our lesson singing the nursery rhymes together with no fear of completing the lesson in 40-minute teaching time stipulated in a typical classroom setting.
My little learner has shown that we adults undermine the strength of our unique children. We fear change. However, our not so typical ones adopt fastest to these changes because they have no fear to lose!
After spending more than two months teaching students with special educational needs that too with varying difficulties including autism, I too have embraced e-schooling. My learners are now more attentive, disciplined and progressing brightly.
The combination of software with assignments integrated that targets the difficulties of the learning challenges combined with a complete one to one teaching interface where our teachers supports the students to spiral up the curriculum, has been a positive surprising experience for our learners.
Come May, some of our middle schoolers will begin their homeschooling session to prepare for their IGCSE curriculum and we the Linguaphile Skills Hub teachers are excited to support them in their journey.
The world will start back up again at some point. Let us hope that we can all take what we’ve learned from this experience to make the world a better place for all types of learners.